Guest Appearance on Productivity Alchemy
I’m popping up out of the woodwork with some fun news: a few months ago, I was interviewed by Kevin Sonney for his podcast, Productivity Alchemy. And it’s live today!
In the episode, I talk about how I stay organized and productive both in my role as a content designer and in my home life. We also talk about cats, music, the perils of Jira and Confluence, ADHD, Pokemon Go, and the value of having a creative outlet.
At the beginning of each episode, Kevin normally goes over a list of content warnings discussed during the interview, and then there’s a little pre-amble where he talks about his past week. The actual interview starts about 4-5 minutes in. At the end, he always asks his guests for a charity that his listeners can support, and since we recorded it a few days before the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, I recommended the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund.
I had so much fun talking to him about my work and my hobbies, and it was such a jolt to see my interview show up in today’s feed. So take a listen!